Andrea Harcos

Light sculptor


I was raised in the city of art, Szentendre, and imbibed the joy of creation since my childhood and my hands were my most important tools. I did pottery, cutting and sewing, felt, and created something of whatever came to my way. After my years at school my path led me to media and later on I was a journalist, then a TV editor, a film production manager and finally the owner of a film production company – all that were counter-moves compared to my true talent. Finally, in 2013 flared what I can call my vocation to date: handmade artwork that I named as light sculpture due to its special features. The name: Love Lamp by Andrea Harcos was born in 2017 and therewith the first pieces were sold. My love for light is everlasting so in my plans light will always be an organic part of my work. I take my inspirations from nature and the beautiful world of sacred geometry and I find it exciting how harmony emerges in the soul by means of symmetry. My vision is to create a nicer world with the passion for light and art.


Since 2017
Light sculptor
2011 - 2017
Film production manager, producer
2004 - 2011
Print and Television journalist, reporter, editor


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